Monday, August 25, 2008

Putting the puzzle together...

So I don't know about everyone else but I love to watch movies or read books and figure out the ending.  I guess I love feeling like I was right.  But what I love more than figuring out the ending is being surprised by something I didn't see when Professor Umbridge had the locket in Harry Potter or when I think the husband committed the crime but it was really his mom on Law and Order.  Those are the moments that take by surprise and keep you interested.  Those are the moments you get excited why can't I see that in life?  Last night I laid in bed trying to go to sleep and I couldn't.  If you know me you know that not sleeping is highly unusual for me.  My mind was trying to form around how God was going to provide for me financially or who God was going to bring along side me to be my husband or how was i going to get in shape to be a missionary.  The thing is I know you should plan...that is not the issue.  And I know that you should be faithful in the little steps...once again not the issue.  Be faithful in little and you will be faithful in much.  My trying to figure out how was not about planning or being was trying to figure out how all of this would God would provide.  After doing some more calculations and tossing and turning a little longer God spoke to my heart...He said "Stop trying to figure out the puzzle"  It hit me...I'm trying to take the fun out of the story.  I don't want to know how He will provide...what fun is that?  It won't be a miracle when I see all of bills paid and money left over to support my best friend going won't be a miracle when the man God has prepared for me steps onto the scene and reminds me what I have been waiting for...and It won't be a miracle when I've been trying to get in shape but my little efforts are multiplied ten fold and i reach my goal early.  God won't get all the glory He deserves because I figured out the plot line.  Now i know some of ya'll are thinking He still gets the glory because He'll change the plot and that is very true, but my point is that what fun is the ride if you know all the turns to get there?  So let God write the story...He's a lot more creative than we are!!

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Why not join the band wagon...

I tried this blog thing once before but it wasn't very consistent. I've always had a problem with self-discipline, so I'm going to give it another shot!  Who knows...maybe I'll keep up with it this time.  Who would want to read my ramblings I'm not so sure...but it's just as much for my benefit as anyone else's.  No clue what I'm going to write about.  Probably whatever God is teaching me. So we shall start with this.  I'm being completely amazed by the call of Abraham right now.  It seems like so many classes I'm taking are talking about it and each class as a different application.  It just shows me how I don't dig into the scriptures like a should.  It's so rich in truth and can be used to teach us so much...I was listening to one of Perry Noble's sermons the other day and he reminded me of a point that I have been taught many many times we want to know God's will for our lives...what is the next step?  what should i do in this situation?  We almost want a neon sign or it written on the wall.  But God's will is written in scripture.  Repeatedly the Bible says...this is what the Lord says.  To borrow what Pastor Furtick always says not what doctor phil or oprah says but what the Lord says...and you know what...if i could just get those right...if i could just follow what scripture says maybe the rest of God's will would be easier to see.  Follow the clear commands and see where that takes you...that is a big enough job!